History-Banner Our Core Values - Africa Inland Mission
History-Banner Our Core Values - Africa Inland Mission
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We Are God-Centered:

  •  We acknowledge the absolute and final authority of God and His Word in all things.
  • We believe that our highest calling is to bring God the glory and worship He so richly deserves.
  • We are committed to being disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We embrace the essential role of individual and corporate prayer.
  • We depend upon God as the ultimate provider for our spiritual and material needs.
  • We recognize the centrality of the local church in the plan of God.

“We are committed to help each member grow as they are

transformed into the image of Christ.”

We Are Ministry Focused:

  • We are committed to making disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We are committed to establishing maturing churches among unreached peoples.
  • We are committed to developing Christ-like leaders.
  • We believe that ministries are enhanced through a lifestyle consistent with the ministry context.
  • We are committed to learning local languages as an essential tool for effective ministry.
  • We express the life of Christ through teaching and practical demonstrations of His compassion.
  • We enter into partnerships with churches as an autonomous, nondenominational, mission organization.
  • We hold that integrity is essential in all that we do both as a mission and as individuals.
  • We look to the Lord in faith to supply all our needs while sharing information appropriately.
  • We cooperate with like-minded organisations to enhance accomplishing our purpose.

We Are Member Oriented:

  • We are an organization governed by and accountable to its members whose opinions regarding ministry direction
    are valued by those in leadership.
  • We acknowledge that decisions are generally best made by those closest to the ministry.
  • We respect God’s personal guidance in the life of individuals.
  • We respect the role of mission leadership and seek to identify, equip and empower servant leaders.
  • We value our families and commit ourselves to maintaining and enhancing the well being of our marriages and our children.


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